It's not happening every day, but it's not too bad. And now my dad and sister and Uncle are also blogging!
The sun was shining so beautifully. And an added bonus on the way out of the crescent when we saw a Canada Postie still working. Ahhh the little things in life. The lady was still delivering her route and I had been home and out to St. Albert and on the way to the lake. (Dad also waved at school as he towed the boat by while staff meeting was on.)
Proof that mom came along this time. In her usual spot up at the front.
The thing was in pretty rough shape, but dad even refinished the wood on it. Like new! A coat of heat resistant paint did wonders for the old beast.
Here's when he delivered it and turned it on for the first time.
And he brought a giant steak when he delivered the bbq. Kevin came over with a steak of his own. Dad's steak was more like a roast really, but it was yummy!
On a lighter note, I threw some hot dogs on there last night. They were yummy too. No photo evidence of that though.
Front row centre. Sorry, but I couldn't resist. How silly did I look in Hal's glasses and gran's straw hat from Mexico?
Andrea rubbing ice on her head, Dev with some folk fest juice, and Jeff doing something....
Doesn't Ryan look great? Can't really say much else about that picture... hehe
Devyn's checking her pulse to make sure Craig Roberge and Jeff aren't going to give her a heart attack.
Me and Jeff would trade text messages during the workshops to determine the next rendezvous at the beer gardens.
Jeff Stuart and his 6 piece band. They were really,really rockin this time around. I loved it.
Here's Dev fooling around in the farmer's field. Cody is looking for a needle in there.
I was pondering a joke from Fred Eaglesmith, and Carly clearly got it before I did.
Andrea and Carly figured we would cue the cheesy '80's theme song music about four crazy pals at a folk music festival. Left is Michelle, Dev's boss at O'Mailles. And Cody in front. A fellow Lombard Crescent resident from years ago.
They were married at the Whitemud Creek Community Hall. Really nice location on the far south west side of Edmonton. And it was a smokin hot day too. Poor guys in their suits.
Craig and his mama.
I had a lot of fun with Craig's dad at both of the weddings. And at the stag. What goes on behind the blue gates, stays behind the blue gates. You got it Clark!
Dev having a cold one out on the patio.
My Lily a couple of weeks ago. It is growing like a weed.
Dink is rolled up in that Mexican blanket. He had a little too much fun.
Jeff and Trevor. Trev was a last-minute addition who doubled as a drink ticket salesperson.
That's Trevor and Fiona. Fiona was married to Craig two weeks after this party. That was another good time.
Here are the boys a little later on during the night.
Here's Jen getting ready for the toss.As the party came in, I was told to introduce each of them while they were passing out drinks to the guests. Most of you know already seeing as the wedding was more than a month ago, but I was emcee for the first time in my life, and what a great time it was.
This was during second supper. There was a strong contingent of us stationed around the food. Jeff, Trevor Tchir, Craig R, Dan, me and Dev, Mark and Alana. With that crowd, you can be assured there was lots of laughter. See below.