Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random thoughts

My sister inspired me write one of these posts that nobody should have to bother reading. But I was also itching to post something .... anything.... but didn't know what to say. Well, I was thinking of it this afternoon and decided to pop in my headphones and listen to talk radio this afternoon while I was walking/working.
Well, Adler, the guy on the radio in the afternoon, was talking about the upcoming elections in both Canada and the US. What a time for the political junkies... not that would be a huge nut for this stuff, but I like it. They were really talking a lot about the Green Party's leader Elizabeth May being allowed to participate in the leader's debate. Fine with me. But why does it have to be all about gender???? She said something about 5 political leaders (all male) saying NO and four television network exec's (all men) who were conspiring the keep the women out of it. Oh my goodness, I think that's a little bit of a stretch. Oh well, she's got all those donkey's shaking because I think she is likely a pretty good debater. Perhaps she's a bit of a pitbull. Like Sarah Palin.... which also makes me laugh. Could Obama really have been implying Palin was a pig with his "Lipstick on a Pig" remark? I wouldn't think so, but it sounds like the Republican's (some call them hate-filled gas bags right Unc?) are riding pretty high. And the Dem's look a little deflated.
It would sure be surprising to see Obama lose. Lots of Conservatives in the States though.

Finally, I have really put my shredder to the test over the last few days. I have been cleaning up piles of stuff and trying to get my apartment under control after some minor neglect. So every once in a while I shove a new sheet in there, and wonder what I did with all my stuff before everyone started worrying about ID theft and what-not. I don't think anyone would be sifting through the dumpster in my place. That's nasty!

Autumn has also arrived, so perhaps I will drag my camera along with me this week, and get some shots of the beautiful city. It's a splendid time of year I'd say.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Do I really have to heckle you just for updates? Pop said you took photos at the lake the other day...where are they? (Hmm, not like I'll be checking the Net for the next surprise me when I'm back tuned in with the real world)*hahah* xo