It's not happening every day, but it's not too bad. And now my dad and sister and Uncle are also blogging!
Farley got more love than anydog I have ever seen. Spoiled rotten.Birthday party with Murray the bartender. Let's say Dev got to be pretty good friends with him by the end of the night.
Zig Zag cafe. Thanks for the left Caroline.
Ta Da! Welcome to the Pike Street Market.
Anyone want some fresh seafood?
First thing we did when we arrived was have a cocktail with Hal. What a crazy place he has.
Devyn having a swig of her gin gin mule. It was delicious drink!
Dev had to use the bathroom quite badly by the time we arrived. It is behind that bookcase just to the left of the tv. His place used to be a real garage. It's beautiful.There I am in the sun on Hal's patio. Notice the pool down below. It's so nice in Fremont where Uncle Wally lives.
Another self-portrait. We were able to find one game of the Stanley Cup Finals in Seaside. Had supper and watched the game. But I've already forgotten who won. Doesn't matter much in June does it?
The funny thing about the hotel was the roof was covered by seagulls. And the resulting mess was astonishing.
Freedom Kids was about he only thing I saw on the while trip that made me think of the supposed Patriotism. That part of the US is not at all like the stereotypical American from Texas or the "South". The pacific northwest is not too different from home.We get to the ocean and we can run out and dip our hands in. Dev's first thought is to grab a giant stick and chase me around. I think we were pent up in the car for too long at that point.
It was very very cold. The wind, and rain. It wasn't pleasant, but a lovely little town. Nicer than Seaside I think. Only twenty miles apart, but Astoria wasn't quite as tourist-y.
Devyn at one of the docks along the warf.
One of the highlight was when we spotted a seal. I admit he startled me, and by the time we dug out the camera it was too late. However we was hiding under the docks here.
And then we saw that load of logs on a barge being towed by the little tugboat. Funny, it's an everyday thing if you live by the water, but a neat sight if you live in land-locked Edmonton.
As we pulled into Portland we decided it was warm enought to try and camp. The only site we found was a parking lot with no fire or anything. Not what I had in mind. So we traced our way to another cheap motel. It wasn't the most comfortable place we stayed but it was next to a bread factory which made it smell really nice. Portland was really pretty actually. Not the best for driving with all the bridges though.
Here we are having a little fun down by the river.
And some more fun being tourists. We were trying to take our self-portrait above and someone was kind enough to help us do it below.
This was a little restaurant/brewery we visited on a sunny afternoon just as everyone was getting off work. A nice afternoon lunch while those who weren't on vacation went about their business.
The next day we crossed the border. We were there at 8:30 eagerly waiting. There wasn't another vehicle to be seen. A little stressful crossing with one lady grilling me and a guy searching the trunk. He felt sorry for us with a car full of camping gear and didn't bother to look too closely.
Waterton National Park is on the Cdn side, and Glacier Park on the Montana side. The rolling hills were amazing. I thought I could have some fun in Montana.
Here's a nervous Tom pretending we are staying in a nice hotel. I am thinking this was the one in Cour D'Alene, Idaho. The motel only cost $45 I think, but they must've been the host accommodations for a dog show. I say countless dogs there. I think perhaps Devyn was more comfortable in the dives than I was. They stunk, the beds were terrible, and the pillows way to thin. Beginning to sound a bit like my mom I think. A good thing of course.
And outside the doggy daycare we found our first big photo op. And a Walgreen's across the street. We bought white cheddar flavoured Cheetos. The delicious hard ones. Rather disappointing really. Tasted just like the orange ones. But yeah, back to the picture. How cool?