Monday, May 14, 2007

How much can things change in ten days?

The facebook phenomenon is dead I think. In my world anyway. I thought it was so handy, but I will stick to the old yahoo email address and blogging.
I just can't bear to rekindle relationships that took place 10 years ago, and I am not really a big fan of small talk anyway.
I am not trying to poo poo everything here, as I think there are advantages, and I admit I am a curious person, but with me there are things that are only cool for a short time and then I lose interest.
Kind of like the movie Bone Collector with Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie. Is she not the world's shittiest actor? I honestly couldn't bear the hokey lines, and the scenes where Denzel is conducting the police investigation from his hospital bed. It was RIDICULOUS! And perhaps the biggest waste of time yet.
I kept thinking of the dude on CSI who always has the cheesy lines and he's forever lifting his sunglasses up and down on his head.
And to think there are people who really like this BS. Oh well, I'd rather be outside myself.

I did see A History of Violence, which was pretty entertaining. And 16 Blocks with Mos Def and Bruce Willis I think. That was pretty good. Just a decent way to pass a couple of hours really. The new Bond was worth my time. Except for the scene at the end where the building is collapsing in Venice and no one really seems to be in any hurry to get out. The force of gravity must be weaker in Venice than it is in the rest of the world because it took an awfully long time for that building to fall.

I am interested in movies, and like to watch them, but I think I am one of those picky viewers who just doesn't like to watch something that is too silly. Like the movie with Tom Cruise - I think War of the Worlds when the son returns at the very end of the movie and answers the door. Are we really supposed to believe he survives that war scene? Absolute crap!
Next time I will think of something more interesting to talk about.

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