Monday, February 05, 2007


On a more serious note, now that the moustache contest is over, I will return to trying to write about some more serious issues here.
I don't know what however.
Things are going to change a whole lot in my world in the next few weeks. I handed in my letter of resignation from NewsTalk on Friday.
It was the first time I had to do that too, but it couldn't have gone any better. I ended up yapping with the boss about hockey cards for half an hour.
But he says good luck, and if he can help out in any way he'd be happy to. So I couldn't ask for much more from them.
I decided it was just not getting any better here, and I really want to be back in Sunny Alberta. I gave it a good shot here, and I got some of that ever-important experience in.
So I should be fine with this, and I Will shake things up a bit and send everything into chaos.
I can't wait, and I am ready to have a beer with my old friends.
Very exciting.

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