At the risk of making you think that there is something profound in this post, I will admit that I've been meaning to get this down for quite some time.
I had a silly encounter with someone while working the other day. And I do see it all. From people reaching their arms out to grab the mail wearing their pajamas in the middle of the day (which might just mean they don't work during the day) to every type of dog you've seen. Not to mention the places some people live.
But what captured my attention last week was someone's name. I had a signature item for this locksmith. I asked for his surname to enter on the sheet and he said McMurray. Ok I thought, and started spelling it out. When I looked up he was pointing to this frame on the wall. He said, "first name's Fort....... My mother had a sense of humour....... the witch."
Seriously. He was called Fort McMurray. No kidding.
Among others I've seen which may or may not be real are David Bowie, a few Cinnamon's, a Harvest Moon, and John Assman. And those are just off the top of my head.
I am not sure if I should put all these names up here, but I had a Marion Friesen. The first name is spelled differently, but that's a name some of us know. There was a Wally Friesen too. Seriously.
On a totally unrelated matter, I watch Horton Hears a Who last night. Cool movie. Made me think of reading all those Dr. Seuss books as a kid. The ryhme or cadence or whatever he had is one-of-a-kind. This one is about an elephant who sees a speck go floating by in the air, and he hears someone screaming for help. Turns out he notices an entire city on the speck of dust on the end of a flower. It's cute. And the best part is it was short so I did not fall asleep in the middle of it.
I do think we are under 40 days until the Africa trip..... yay!!!!