Saturday, March 01, 2008

What a day!

Sometimes things just feel right in my world. The weather is beautiful, I'm well rested after a two-nap Friday afternoon. And things couldn't be much better.
I dropped Devo at work this morning, took a right out of the parking lot. I found myself face-to-face with a Saturday morning Canadian ritual. Tim Horton's. Trouble was I hadn't had a coffee this morning. So I went in and found out it was Roll-Up-the-Rim time again. Double trouble. I waited in line anyway, only about 5 or ten minutes at the most. Got a coffee and hit the road back toward my place. I remembered my cousin giving me a Rim-Roller last time the contest was on. It's a wonderful little device they made to cut the coffee cup and "roll the rim" to see if you've won. An amazing little tool. Really. It's impressive. But I hadn't used it since the last Roll-Up-the-Rim. Where in the hell would I find it? It's got to be in the car somewhere. Where else do I ever take a Timmies coffee? After a few minutes, because there aren't many places to look in my little Ford, I found it. Second place I looked, in the ash-tray. YES!!!! I was elated, even though my cup said please play again. I will, I promise. I will.

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