Hahaha, Perhaps I should know how to post pictures more smoothly by now.
Last week after work we hauled out to the Pembina River. It was a really hot day, and it was the perfect thing after work. It's a little more than an hour out there, so being a postie helps me get an early start. And I guess if we think about it, Devyn's working at the bank so we do have time for this kind of thing. The blue tube in the front of the picture is Trevor's. Mine is the same, as you can see. Only yellow.
That's about the deepest point of the river. It's quite shallow for the most part, but a really nice location.

There's my legs with the cooler at my feet. Notice the $7 pair of "aqua socks" I got. I went to Zeller's with Trevor and we got the same tubes and water shoes.

Darn I am so cool! I think Dev was trying to do one of those "arm-extension, self portrait" kind of things. It would be cool to have a picture of Dev once in a while, but clearly she is not too fond of having her picture taken. Have any of my legion of male devotees experienced a woman not wanting to appear in any shots? I think I can recall my grandma, mom and Aunt Martha all avoiding having their picture taken....... anyway, I ramble on the blog as well as in real life I see. Hrmphhh! You can see Dev's brother Brayden in the background of the picture above. He loved it more than anyone I think.

Woops! I spoke too soon! It appears that Dev tried to take another picture of herself. She got my arm in this one. That was the best sumer afternoon lounging EVER!
And on another note all together, we had a beautiful surprise visitor on our cherry tree in the backyard. A Downy woodpecker came over the other afternoon. What a treat! Dev noticed him while she was outside, and called me to have a look - knowing I would be really excited. I got the camera and ran outside to see what she had found. After getting close and having a good shot, I went in and got my Compact Guide to Alberta Birds. ( Thanks mom and dad) It accurately reads, "These approachable little birds are more tolerant of human activities than most other species."
He is only 15-18 cms long. Such beautiful colours for the little guy.

Perhaps I should have cropped the picture a little and made it more clear. But there's no telling how long that would've taken me. I think it gets a lot bigger if you click on it.
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