But what's the point of beating myself up over it? I know those of you who have gone through the process of buying a house will have some sympathy for me. There is so much to do. I bet I've used ten times the daytime minutes my phone plan allows. Calls to the lawyer, the mortgage lady, the bank, the realtor, the cable company, utilities ...... and Devyn has done more than her share of these calls.
I don't look forward to seeing my phone bill next month. But it will likely be the least of my worries......
The real reason I wanted to finally get on here is because I've finally taken the photos from the Rider game off of the camera.

There was a little storm threatening and we weren't sure if there would be rain or snow. A tremendous rainbow came out.

It's tough to tell from this view during half time. There was a regular season attendance record with more than 65,000 fans. Another quick note about the picture above - those lines of people on the field are 50 years of Eskimo Cheerleaders. There were teams from years past. One of the lines had the cheerleaders from the '60's. It looked walking into my grandmas place at supper time - 200 old ladies with poodle cuts.

Here's the happy couple early on.

I'm not so sure Dev's having as much fun as I was. haha - Really I think it was more the weather than anything. It was chilly, and I certainly wouldn't call Devyn the most devoted football fan. I pretty much begged her to come with me.

And this last pic will show you who won. There were SO many Roughrider fans! I think it would've been close to 50/50 actually. Lots of fun!