Well, I have taken a long hiatus from this thing, but I have thought about it often, and thought there was a lot of stuff I should be sharing. How else do I start other than plunging right in?
I want to make my way out of Saskatoon.
As I type this, I am just getting ready to head to my grandma's birthday kind of thing - it's a bash for a couple of her brothers and sisters. It will be fun, I am sure, but I have tonnes on my mind I am not sure I will be able to share much.
I have given Saskatoon a chance. I worked in journalism, I was a reporter, and I got to work in radio for a year and a little bit. I was in show business baby! But for what?
I am sorry you have to read through this little ride I'm on, but isn't time to put something "real" in here?
It has been a good time here, but there are so many things that make me want to go home. I got the call today from the fellow I was chasing back home. He tells me they're hiring and he is going to send me the address and tell me where to send a resume. I am thinking about who to put on my resume. I am packing my stuff for crying out loud. I have to be ready for this call - I have to impress - Did I on the first call?
I haven't quite figured out the first step yet, but I am ready. It won't be long for me I don't think.
If you really want something, you'll go get it right? Or will it happen for you? I ask these questions and appear as though I am waiting for something to fall into my lap, but I am going to be sure to show confidence and be the guy people are used to seeing. The time is now, the ball is rolling, and even though I just did a lot of talking, I think this is going to happen. My heart is in it, and I am ready to go home.